48 letters from Pte Laurie Lacy to Ann Hughes. Most retaining original envelopes & poastmarks.
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Cyprus & Suez: Love Letters from Active Service
Most of the letters present were written while Lacy was on National Service in the 1950s, initially stationed at Aldershot before deployment during the Cyprus Emergency, and the Suez Crisis. A Private in the 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment, he partook in multiple rounds of helicopter training among other things. He recounts in some detail coming up against the EOKA and later Egypt, albeit briefly. While the letters start relatively sedate, giving blow by blow accounts of his days on base (including quite sweet quizzes and doodles, to be fair), by 1956 he has fallen desperately in love with Ann. He plans their future, asking her to wait while he establishes a career when demobbed. While none of her letters are present, it becomes clear she rejects him rather abruptly (for someone else!) after they’ve spent some time together while he’s on leave and stationed back in England. After a little while the letters peter out somewhat, though a strained friendship appears to remain.
Lacy went on to complete teacher training college, and later taught Physics at Highfield Community College. He married someone else, and by all accounts lived happily ever after - without Ann.