Originally serialised in Woman's Day magazine as The Great Dog Robbery, this is the first Children's Book Club edition, following the Heinemann first edition in book form, 1956.
Smith, Dodie. The Hundred and One Dalmatians.
The Children's Book Club, Heinemann, London, 1958.
58 illustrations, endpapers and dust wrapper design all by Janet and Anne Grahame-Johnstone. First Children's Book Club edition. Publisher's cream cloth boards with title to spine in black. Cloth remains bright with no sunning or markings, though corners and spine ends are little bumped along with the top of the front board. Top and fore edge show some foxing, and through the first few pages into the story, otherwise internally bright throughout, with the illustrated endpapers in tact. Publisher's distinctive pink dust wrapper has minor losses and tears throughout, with the spine significantly sunned, and toning to the verso. Pooch designs remain bright though a little marred by all panel edges.